
We are committed to ethical business practices, responsible decision-making, and adherence to laws and regulations safeguarding the rights of individuals and communities. This approach facilitates effective strategic planning, which is instrumental to managing our business and sustainability approach across extended timeframes. Upholding ethical principles, integrity, and values is the right thing to do.
ISO Certifications
At the end of 2023, six out of our nine operational sites were ISO 45001 certified, and seven out of nine sites were ISO 14001 certified. These certifications cover 67% of operating plants (50% in 2022) and 82% of workers (77% in 2022). The remaining certifications are due to be obtained by the first half of 2025.
We continue to improve our operational waste management procedures to reduce our waste and its associated environmental effects. Our approach is aligned with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management standard — seven of our nine operational production sites are ISO 14001 certified and we aim to have all sites certified by 2025.
Our manufacturing sites all comply with local biodiversity legislation and most of our sites are certified under ISO 14001 for environmental management systems and ISO 9001 for quality management systems.
- ISO 9001:2015: Quality Management Systems Certification.
- ISO 14001:2015: Environmental Management Systems Certification.
- ISO 45001:2018: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certification.
Ethics and Anti-Corruption
To ensure a high level of ethics and transparency across our value chain, we have the following group policies in place:
- Code of Ethics (since 2007): outlines our values and a framework of rights, duties, and responsibilities for stakeholders. It encourages high professional standards and counteracts any deviations from applicable rules and corporate values.
- Model 231 (since 2007): a system of protocols that regulates our company structure and guides the management of sensitive processes. The primary aim is to mitigate the risk of employee involvement in criminal offences, thereby reducing the company’s administrative liability. An independent Supervisory Body is responsible for overseeing compliance with and the proper functioning of Model 231, and for making updates to both the Model and the Code of Ethics.
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (since 2021): it lays down a set of internal rules aimed at prohibiting and reducing incidents of bribery and corruption by our employees, suppliers or partners.
- Supplier Code of Conduct (since 2021): it describes our expectations of our suppliers. The Code communicates our values and supports the adoption of corresponding behaviours on crucial matters such as human rights, workers' rights, health and safety, environmental protection, and anti-corruption efforts.
- Conflict Minerals Policy (since 2019): it aims to guarantee a responsible global supply chain for certain minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
- Export Control Policy (since 2019): it ensures product exports are made according to export control and sanctions laws.
- Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Tax Evasion (since 2021): it aims to avoid any conflicts of interest and to comply with the obligations set out in laws and regulations prohibiting money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion all over the world.
- Tax Policy (since 2023): it is intended to set forth the Evoca’s tax strategy, based on the commitment to the application of law and good tax practices within the corporate governance structure of the companies of the Evoca Group.
- Antitrust and Fair Competition Policy (since 2024): it aims to promote a competitive business environment, while preventing any behavior that could harm competition or violate antitrust laws in all countries in which we operate.
- Responsible Marketing and Communication Policy (since 2025): it ensures that we promote and communicate responsibly. We operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding advertising and marketing communications in the markets where we are present, ensuring the highest levels of transparency and integrity.
Human Rights Policy
We are committed to respect and promote the human rights of all those involved in our business, in every country where we operate. In October 2023, we formalised our commitment to human rights — a vital aspect of the company's sustainability strategy — in our Human Rights Policy. We audit and carefully select suppliers from countries and areas that are ‘at risk’ from a human rights perspective to ensure they follow our ethical business practices outlined by our Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Human Rights Policy (since 2023)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
At Evoca, we believe that fostering an inclusive work environment is synonymous with showing respect, valuing individuals, and leveraging diversity as a strategic driver for improved business performance.
Diversity brings a wealth of energies and perspectives, elements that fuel innovation and strengthen the Group's competitiveness.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy (since 2024)
- Gender Equality Certification (since 2024)
Respecting the law and the principles expressed in its own Ethical Code is a fundamental aspect of Evoca's conduct. Consequently, Evoca supports and encourages its employees, collaborators, suppliers, customers, and partners to report potential behaviors that do not comply with Evoca's standards, and in general, potential violations of laws, the Ethical Code, and the Group's policies and procedures.
For this purpose, Evoca has established a dedicated platform for reporting. Evoca ensures the utmost confidentiality and discretion in managing reports and guarantees that no retaliatory measures will be taken against those who report the aforementioned behaviors in good faith.