News & Events
In this area you can find all the news about Evoca Group world.
Our main objective is to ‘keep the customer satisfied’. That’s why we’ll be exhibiting our innovative portfolio of products, digital solutions and our sustainable approach to production at Venditalia. We’re also ready to share with you news of the changing trends in consumption outside the home, including new user experiences.
Il Sole 24 Ore, in collaboration with Statista, an independent German research institute, has published a ranking of Italian export champions.
Finally, the Ho.Re.Ca. operators have met again, face to face and in complete safety.
HostMilano, the sector’s most important and highly anticipated global event, from 22 to 26 October, brought the international catering and hospitality community back together again.
The new product from the iconic Italian brand has been recognised with the SMART Label, Host Innovation Award.
Resulting from a combination of cutting-edge technological solutions, La Solare is designed to re-focus the spotlight on one of the day’s most important moments: the coffee break.
Since early in 2021, some SGL branded coffee machines have been available for purchase on Amazon Business, the Amazon marketplace designed for companies and professionals.
Evoca SpA (“Evoca”) and Guangzhou Macas Electronic Technology Company Limited (“Macas”) announced today that they have entered into an agreement that will lead to the formation of a joint venture (the “JV”). The objective of the JV is to establish itself as the leader for high-quality coffee vending machines in the rapidly growing markets of China and Asia. The transaction is expected to close during Q2 2021.